My Contribution in Projects

Religious Education

Initially the program was already engaged, but not in the annual development plan of the ministry, but suggested transforming this project and make it a reality, since for many immigrants the first hurdle is English, because they have training with very low language, besides that newcomers children need a full accompaniment, both spiritual and social so they can develop as any other child.

Because of this need I decided to develop the program of "Religious Education", a program that will help to assist adaptation, development and bilingual accompaniment which accompanies by 100% with my colleagues.

Initially parents were not an exact image that would project, and because of this I created, developed and ran a mini-program that would function as an inducement for them in front of the main program, this project would be called Escuela De Padres.

In this mini-program received basic information in which we orient on the right ways to accompany children as they are the first agents of evangelization at home. The results will be reflected in the two years of catechesis with parents and children by engaging with the parish community and especially with its domestic church

Through this program we can locate the various leaders to integrate them into the following tips for finance, Vestry, Eucharistic ministers and readers in this way we integrate in multicultural processes in some parishes, through this process we find people restless to engage in their faith life as catechists.

Retreats for men and women develop a project that allowed us semiannually meet individuals totally apathetic in their faith and others who wanted to also seek opportunities for spiritual growth in a design was aimed to discipleship this leaves us as outcomes for people with profound encounter with Jesus and also a great concern to serve those members after retirement, we encourage you to belong to small faith communities.

These programs have given them the opportunity to meet with various ministers, to follow to make tools and grow in their faith.

Chapel of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

After 1 year of rapprochement with groups and work training, began to listen to the community and the need for a broad space for the community this led us to plan and find the resources to develop the draft hood as had shown a commitment to work after days of work after six in the evening and on weekends this resulted in a chapel with a meeting room and kitchen classrooms for the community, both needed.


In a first step the main objective was to design a strategy where young community could express what they are feeling with respect to a law HB 56 as leader began talks to parish councils in search of allies within the network of city police , mayor, senators and representatives to the House this led us to expand our groups working for the rights of young people giving us a chance of being able to join them, we find a great solidarity of the Protestant churches and this gave us a great opportunity to work for the good of the community.

Faith Formation

One of the great challenge during my job due to be closely related to mental health, because of that we have developed several educational workshops to parents, children and youth, everything was supported by health organizations. The end result is reflected in healthy couples, since we can not speak of an evangelization without a platform to family health.

During this program the following aspects were developed:

1. Workshop on conflict resolution
2. Communication with children
3. Theology of the Body
4. Happy Marriage
5. Sexuality

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